
Chiptune artist from Columbus, OH


Nathan Chowning (iHz)

Hi! I’m Nathan. From an early age, music was a big part of my life. I started playing guitar when I was 9 years old and started singing shortly after. I can play various other instruments with varying degrees of competency - drums, bass, keys.

I’ve always had an appreciation for chiptune music. I have vivid memories of turning on Maniac Mansion (the NES version) just to listen to the character themes while playing with other toys. I used my NES as a jukebox a lot as a kid.

In the late 2000s/early 2010s, I discovered music trackers - specifically LSDJ. I bought a flash cartridge for the Game Boy, loaded up LSDJ, and then quickly realized that making music this way was going to take a lot of learning… So I put it in a drawer for several years. Eventually, I circled back and started experimenting with MilkyTracker. I made a couple of songs but struggled to make something that I liked.

For the past few years, I was casually playing with LSDJ until last year when a close friend of mine passed away. I sat down and started trying to channel some of my emotion into a song (side-note: That song eventually ended up becoming Nobleman). Shortly after that, I got the Dirtywave M8 then in 2022, I decided to participate in Weeklybeats. Weeklybeats has been an amazing experience. It got me into the habit of writing original music and releasing music.

In the past, I always felt like I was making music for someone else - to try to impress someone else or fit into X genre/purpose/agenda. Now, I make music for me. I make music that I enjoy making and (usually) listening to. I wish I had learned that earlier but I’m glad that I’m there now.